Monday, April 1, 2013

NaprWriMo April 1st - Some Might Call It Narcissism

April 1, before coffee

Some might call it narcissism:
but one can only truly understand
self-analysis by analyzing one's own self -
Freud told us that.

Be yourself,
know yourself,
then and only then can you
walk in another's shoes,
be them, know them.

Of course there are shoes
I wouldn't be caught dead
walking around in, despite
the trapping of power and wealth
that we see.
I prefer my own soul, thank you,
and I wouldn't want to be in
their soul's shoes.

The road crumbles beneath
my footsteps as I inch forward, slowly.
The funds for road repair
have been sequestered.

A new course starts today:
Aquacamarata underwater basket weaving.
How come Google only takes me
back to Coursera sites?
It must be a joke.

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