Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Freedom Day (on channeling Rosa Parks on the 58th anniversary of her arrest)

Freedom Day (on channeling Rosa Parks on the 58th anniversary of her arrest)

the space where I used to live
no longer has existence for me –
no meaning, good or ill –
an emptiness that is shrinking

into nothingness in immeasurable
segments: weekly, daily, minute-by-minute.
The physical place it occupies stands still -
still stands, and people there still breathe

and live, and work, and plot,
and love – but all of that escapes
the gravity of my present reality;
stands outside the new world I am configuring

for a future that beckons me,
and even for a past, which still aches
for vindication. Take two aspirin
for that silly pain. A deep breath. Slowly.


  1. I love this. The words that emerge: stands .. still .. slowly .. "stands still - still stands..." In fact, something could come of examining the "s" words: space, shrinking, segments, stands, still, silly, slowly. Wonderful, the expression of simultaneous moving forward, being pulled back. Wonderful the slow deep breath. For expressing what is deep within and inexpressible, even to our own minds, this is as good as communication gets!

  2. for a future that beckons me,
    and even for a past, which still aches
    for vindication. Take two aspirin
    for that silly pain. A deep breath. Slowly.

    Aches for vindication...
