Looking for a random
prompt generator
for poetry month,
I discovered story cubes.
a story line, perhaps,
a part of a poetry prompt.
(actions, voyages, original) –
nine cubes to a set
six faces to a cube
and permutations,
and combinations,
four cubes at random
and see what unfolds.
prompt generator
for poetry month,
I discovered story cubes.
Shaped like dice,
each face has a pictogram,a story line, perhaps,
a part of a poetry prompt.
Six faces to a cube
nine cubes to a set
three sets (actions, voyages, original) –
nine cubes to a set
six faces to a cube
162 possibilities…
to say nothing of probabilities,and permutations,
and combinations,
and group theory…
Each day in April I'll select four cubes at random
and see what unfolds.