Wednesday, January 22, 2014

January 22, 2014 #smallstones

smooth white snowflakes coat
the algae build up inside
the glass fishbowl –
the crystal ball:

the head of the Beast is
drunk with malaria
from mechanical mosquitos –

standing water still stinks,
festers, breeds ten plagues –
green and brown scum stains
bleed through winter’s whiteness –

pure as driven snow,
sinking deep, deeper –
rotted to the core.

January 21, 2014 #smallstones

quick shave
with a dull electric razor –
preserve that just-got-back-
look –
white whisker stubble…

look, no snow yet.
Everything closing down
this side of the river.
Polar vortex spinning in –

Monday, January 20, 2014

January 20, 2014 #smallstones

There are all sorts of things
that poetry experts will try to tell you,
about stanzas and line length,
about word choice and prosody.

But most of the experts
don’t even write poetry
and have never felt the rush
and surge of the creative process.
They have never truly “been in love.”

Real poets have told me,
“just keep on writing.”
”You will find your voice
and your path.”
That’s what I pass on.

Try to write something everyday
and keep it all together,
in a journal, on a blog,
or just in a word document.

Then, look back on it as it grows
and you will see something truly beautiful,
almost a mystical experience!

January 19, 2014 #smallstones

Saturday, January 18, 2014

January 18, 2014 #smallstones

a roof-top shot –
full moon over the city
the monument peeping at us
watching us with those beady eyes

won’t make it to New Ark today –
wasn’t in the stars –
bus and train schedules wouldn’t fit,
didn’t want to drive:
don’t like to drive long distances
these days, roads are not safe
for a man like me

but we have his books here,
poems, plays, short stories, essays,
plenty to read and ponder –
and we have all these obituaries –
a thousand plateaus to climb to
to see a full moon rising

on an urban night

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 17, 2014 #smallstones

don’t stop
let it pop

words and notes
lines and quotes
ships and boats
dreams and hopes

deeds that inspire
thoughts that catch fire
minds that inquire
hearts that desire

don’t stop

reach the top

Thursday, January 16, 2014

January 16, 2014 #smallstones

The same Spirit that haunts me, guides me –
same dude, although sometimes he shows up
in drag, wearing a wig, and lipstick –
talking ‘bout “Will you light my cigarette?”

This same Spirit appears infrequently,
but just often enough to remind me
that he is both my rudder and my anchor.

He often warns me about the Muse
and her sisters.  “Those women are no good,”
he says, “all that flattery and inspiration.”

The same Spirit used to frighten me when
I was a young pup.  We are old friends now,
able to dismiss one another’s excesses.
It is, how shall we say, a mutual appreciation?

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

January 15, 2014 #smallstones

It’s a cold night in the bottom:
a deep fog has crept up on us
from the swamp below –
so thick the street lamps
look like little moons in the distance –

And my legs are tired, man,
my knees are aching so bad:
from walking too long –
too far – too late – too often –
to meet too many obligations –

But soon I’ll be home –
hot soup simmering on the stove –
a pair of loving arms awaits me:
to hold me and to listen to my story.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

January 14, 2014 #smallstones

MOOC class notes

the transformed, empowered mind….
(mystical processes)
…is capable of more possibilities….
(can transform our perception)
…than the ordinary mind…
(and thus grant us subtle abilities
that we previously did not possess.)

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13, 2014 #smallstones

meeting last night
at Starbucks
to plan our strategy

Gotta bust outta this old groove
and break out a new thing

here are the assignments:
M: logistics/space planning
A: evidence/artifacts
R: database aggregation
S: overall in charge

Maybe Sun Ra was right:

Sunday, January 12, 2014

January 12, 2014 #smallstones

What if poetry is speaking in tongues,
and tomorrow – the tomorrow of our dreams –
is really yesterday, or the day before?

And what if time dislocates itself
from time to time, like water,
always seeking its own level?

And what if we live and love inside
a closed box, where freedom and justice
are just optical illusions,
dream-like holograms of hope?

And what if poetry is speaking in tongues,
and homeless shelters and prisons
our true condition, an accurate depiction
of our feeble, temporal existence?

And what if poetry is speaking in tongues,
and pure information our medium of exchange,

transmitted exclusively by a holy kiss?  

Saturday, January 11, 2014

January 11, 2014 #smallstones

black ice - 
slipping and sliding
and stumbling and trembling
and smiling and grinning
and aiming and missing

and slipping and sliding
and tripping and gliding
and aimlessly riding
and falling and falling
in love with Just ModPo

Friday, January 10, 2014

January 10, 2014 #smallstones

when a great poet/
griot/spirit passes on –
you can’t just go to bed
at the normal time,
as if nothing special happened,
as if the routine is the same,
the same old routine…

you gotta stay up late,
read his work out loud -
invoke his spirit,
let it come inside your house -
sip some scotch with it,
smoke some weed if you got some,
and take a pause,
and take a pause,
and take a pause…

Thursday, January 9, 2014

January 9, 2014 #smallstones

“The Poet is a faker who’s so good at his act
He even fakes the pain of pain he feels in fact.”
-Pessoa, Autopsychography

no need for an apology -
it was I who over-reacted:
obsessed with non-existent privacy –
trained with a double fiction:
never who I am,
never where I am,
always hiding the truth –
even from myself –
and mixing justifications -
until I lose the ability
to distinguish contrived reason
from complex reality -
but that phase of life is over:
and I need to break away.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January 8, 2014 #smallstones

when I write about Emily
behind the scenes I am thinking
about my sister Phillis,
kidnapped and brought
to Colonial America from Africa,
enslaved, she mastered English
and blossomed as a writer of verse.
She died a free woman, a poet,
but her husband destroyed all her work.
Chained to a bad husband
might be worse than slavery.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 7, 2014 #smallstones

a pleasant Sunday afternoon
on a cold January day
eight people with a common love
for poems and poets and poetry

we finished the chat on Pessoa
and stood around, talking Netflix binges -
not caring about rushing off
to the next big thing –
absorbed by and absorbing
the atmosphere around us,
that we created, together.

Monday, January 6, 2014

January 6, 2014 #smallstones

Poetic race

enter the dark horse,
DC Poetica:
exotic, enticing,
yet reminiscent
of a bygone classicism –
DC Poetica:
I could be persuaded

Sunday, January 5, 2014

January 5, 2014 #smallstones

Fortune cookie:

You will travel 
to an African country 
that you love
and meet with an old friend 
about a business prospect.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

January 4, 2014 #smallstones

reflections on the Yoga exhibit at the Sackler

walking before dawn is my Meditation –
writing poetry is my Austerity –
prayer on bended knee is my Asana –
and the Beloved Community
is the landscape of my Practice

Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 3, 2014 #smallstones

It’s 7pm Thursday and it’s snowing 
in Washington but not sticking, yet.
If this continues through the night 
we’ll have a good accumulation by daybreak - 
the temperature is low enough
the night is long enough
the snowflakes are small enough
the snowfall is steady enough - 
good enough to guarantee a white Friday.

January 2, 2014 #smallstones

after all the parades and football games
and shopping sprees and pundit prophecies
what does it mean, this changing of the year?
Janus has two faces, east and west, alike,
or north and south – choices and decisions
we must make, obligations, promises
to keep.  And if the film is one we’ve seen
before, we have to change the narrative

or at least switch out the soundtrack
change the rhythm and the beat
throw some popcorn to the ceiling
clap our hands and stomp our feet.
January has two full moons this year -
where moon rises at sunrise, and sets at set.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

January 1, 2014 #smallstones

a few notes from my morning walk - Rock Creek Park
a man playing a harp on one side of Pegasus,
on the other, a man carrying sheathes of wheat
over one shoulder with a scythe in his hand,
a turtle at the harpist’s foot (percussion, maybe,
or just slowly but surely wins the race?)
“Music and Harvest” is says at the base
a man carrying a large book on the outside
of the other Pegasus (it is a gate, after all!)
and an archer with a taunt bow on the other,
the all-knowing serpent at Pegasus’ rear quarter,
“Aspiration and Literature” at the base.
the copper of both is green with tarnished disregard
but truth shouts out despite the dirt and dust