Sonnet for the Government shutdown
The teacher couldn’t come to class today.
They say it was because the government
shut down. Let’s call it by its proper name:
A high-tech coup d’etat is what occured –
transfer of power from the president
of the republic we had, to the thugs,
the mob. The ethics of the Fogged Bottom
swamp have made their way to Capitol Hill.
Don’t you speak French? It was a coup d’etat!
The King is dead, long live the King of State.
Democracy has fallen, patriots!
Like punks we are, we weep and wring our hands:
One day we all will answer for this crime –
and that is why this sonnet cannot rhyme.
The teacher couldn’t come to class today.
They say it was because the government
shut down. Let’s call it by its proper name:
A high-tech coup d’etat is what occured –
transfer of power from the president
of the republic we had, to the thugs,
the mob. The ethics of the Fogged Bottom
swamp have made their way to Capitol Hill.
Don’t you speak French? It was a coup d’etat!
The King is dead, long live the King of State.
Democracy has fallen, patriots!
Like punks we are, we weep and wring our hands:
One day we all will answer for this crime –
and that is why this sonnet cannot rhyme.